Parafield Gardens Site
10:00am Sundays at Parafield Gardens at the corner of Salisbury Highway and Shepherdson Road, Parafield Gardens (map)
Paralowie Site
10:15am Sundays at Paralowie at 11 Liberator Drive Paralowie (map)
Visiting a new church can be difficult but we want it to be easy as possible. Here is some information that we hope is helpful.
- There is no dress code to come to church.
- We expect that children will be noisy and it doesn’t worry us at all.
- Our music is modern, occasionally we might sing a hymn or old song.
- You will be talked too, we are interested in you whether you are just checking us out, visiting or feel called to become a part of our family
- We believe that giving is a spiritual discipline and not a requirement. There is no obligation to give money. There is a basket at the entrances of both sites but most people give electronically. We say a communal prayer where churches normally pass around the plate.
- We don’t expect you to do anything you are not comfortable or unable to do. While there may be things that are different or new to you, participate only if you feel comfortable.
- We provide morning tea and have good quality café coffee at both site. Café coffee is free for ones first visit and cost $3 for regular attenders. Morning tea is free every Sunday.